There Should Be Prison Time For This Tenant Who Didn't Take Their Trash Out For A Year

NY Post- She’s the trashiest tenant he’s ever encountered. 

A landlord named Xie from Qingdao in Shandong Province, China, was stunned when he entered the apartment of a resident who hadn’t taken out her trash for more than a year.

Video of his dirty discovery, filmed Aug. 10 and obtained by Newsflare, shows the female tenant, who has not been named publicly, sitting among heaps of trash while playing on her phone as another woman clears the junk in her apartment.

The trash in the home was piled so high, it reached the windows. 

And the scent coming from the garbage pile was litter-ally the worst Xie had ever encountered — he said he thought he might vomit.

The trash was even worse than shown in the video Xie said, explaining he’d already cleaned some of it up before they filmed the grime scene. 

After five hours of trash pickup, the apartment was finally clean.

The tenant was given a few days to find a new place to live, as well as some financial compensation, though her standards appear to be very low.

I am 100% a messy person. My thought process has always been don't criticize me if my drawers or messy and some stuff is on the floor, I know where it is. I know that makes zero sense but it does. If you constantly are scrambling to find stuff, you get a better survey of the entire room and essentially memorize the inventory. If you have to look through all six drawers to find a shirt, you learn about all the stuff in there you didn't need and in a weird way ... memorize it. I take my jacket off from work and throw it on a chair. My keys are not always in the same place, same with my wallet etc. I'm messy, but I cannot live in filth. There has to be a line. 

For Xie from Qingdao ... there is no line. I mean absolutely no line. In fact the only line is the one line of like 3-4 feet that they sleep in. Absolute disgust ... DISGUST. I'll never understand the hoarders, or the people who live with absolutely no regard for standard health and safety. Your own clothes are one thing, but look at this video ... fast food containers, trash, straight up garbage ... how can you possibly live in that shit. I'll literally never watch Hoarders because it skeeves me out. These people are insane to literally live in garbage. Do they not smell things? Don't they try to have people come over? Don't you have to walk around? I'll never ever understand that. 

Now my real take here is people like this should legit face criminal charges if they live as a tenant like this. You want to live like this in a house you own? Fine. You pay someone else rent .... no chance. Landlords are usually scumbags, but not in this case. This landlord should be able to legit put this tenant in jail, not sit there and watch them play games on their phone. Also the article says the tenant got some financial compensation? On what planet should this tenant receive a DIME? Lunacy. 

I'll never be the person who says make your bed every morning, I think it's the equivalent of tying your shoes after you take them off, but there has to be some sort of order to your life. Simple rule of thumb, if it's food or smells get it out of the room. 

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